MAKE U IN – Kick-off meeting
The MAKE U IN kick-off meeting was held online on 28 November 2024. The main goal of the project is to empower primary school teachers, trainers, and educators in creating inclusive educational environments using Maker initiatives to enhance participation and engagement.To do this, the project wants to achieve the following concrete objectives: The project involves three different organisations from three different countries, such as: During the meeting, the partners had the opportunity to present their organisations and define the work plan for the coming months. The topics discussed were as follows: The partnership will now be engaged in conducting a local focus group in each partner country aimed at local primary school teachers, educators, and experts in Maker Education and Inclusive Education that will highlight the most relevant and common topics, contents and tools to be included in the Resource Repository. To stay up-to-date on project developments, soon will be available the project website and Social media pages.